- Upgrades and function improvements
- Adding and improving features
- Delete phone access rights
- function upgrade
- Upgrades and function improvements
- upgrade and bug fixed
- upgrade and improvement work
- version upgrade and function improvement
- bug fixed and upgrade
- upgrade and bug fixed
- upgrade
- Additions and enhancements
- upgrade and bug fixed
- android upgrade and function improvement
- Fixes
- Add languages and improve features
- new menu add
- bug fixed and Function improvement
- Added Russian language
- Listen to online sermons - Adjust font
- Other errors and corrections are fixed
-Added language: Thai
-Sermon Listening: Korean-Search and error correction
-Function improvement (ui change work)
-[Cambodian] Multilingual added
-[Korean] Sermon listening list screen layout improved
-Improved Bible reading [shortcut]
-Improved interruption of listening to sermons
-bug fixed
- upgrade
-70 topic preaching announcements added
-Multilingual applied
-Bug fixes and improvements
-Reflected error correction for each device
-Bengali language correction work
-Lao language level up message modification work
-Bible reading layout modification work
-Other errors and improvement work
-Added Bengali language
-Apply the latest technology upgrade for each check item layout
-bug fixed
- Laos language added
- Fixed main screen error
- Other improvements
-Improvement work by adding truth announcement [covenant and commandments]
-Other improvements
1. Error correction: Nepal, Hindi translation error correction [faith check]
-Korean [Religious Checking] contents revision work
-When initializing data / installing new data, Nepali / Hindi data is not visible afterwards
: Error caused by poor data encryption
2. Function improvement: android sdk-deprecated and upgraded to the latest version
Online worship language-specific links and other improvements.
-Bug fixes and other improvements.
-Fixed multilingual translation and screen modification
-Added Nepali / Hindi multilingual
-Samsung S Series, A Series-Fixed an error that was killed after clicking 4 items
-Added other bug fixes and improvements
Store update based on Google policy, increase user convenience and stability
Error correction and improvements
Enhancements and UX upgrades
Improve error and apply upgrade
. Season badge added
[진리발표] 항목 명칭 변경